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Ladies in Retirement

Theatre Three, NY

Directed by Amnon Kabatchnik




NYTheatre: "The design richly evokes the time (1885), a truly miraculous accomplishment on a tight budget. Zhanna Gurvich's country drawing room is suitably comfy and sinister, replete with a flight of stairs for foreboding entrances."- Heather J. Violanti


Backstage: "The minute the curtain parts to reveal designer Zhanna Gurvich's lovingly detailed living-room set—particularly impressive on what must be a shoestring budget—we know that “Ladies in Retirement” is going to receive lots of love."- Erik Haagensen


Curtain Up:  "Almost from the moment retired music hall actress Leonora Fiske (the Drama Desk nominated Mikel Sarah Lambert) walks into her Victorian living room (Zhanna Gurvich's meticulous set is complete with fireplace, grandfather clock, Jesus icon, piano and a window on the garden), it's evident that evil lurks in the well-dusted corners and under the polished tables."- Paulanne Simmons


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